Akwaaba Trissanne !!!
Trissanne Keen, a previous intern of Patriots Ghana has been offered an internship position on the microfinance project. Trissanne is a Florida State University student, a recipient of the 2018 David L. Boren Scholarship Award and through the program, She is currently studying at the University of Ghana (UG). This Award provides students with the opportunity to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to U.S. National Security. She spent two months in Gainesville learning how to speak Twi and she is currently also taking a twi class at UG among other classes. You can read more about the award here : https://www.borenawards.org/
Last year, during her internship, she worked on the child labor and trafficking project, and served as a team leader. She led efforts of 7 local and international volunteers to implement innovative project activities and strategies to address child labor and trafficking in the Awutu Senya East and West Districts. Her team carried out several child rights advocacy and educational awareness campaigns, research and one on one tutoring. She also carried out a capstone project that analyzed the academic and social performance of sponsored students after they have been rescued from child labor and trafficking.
Below is what Trissanne had to say:
“It’s already been three weeks since I’ve been in Ghana. After completing my Twi summer class and enrolling in courses at the University of Ghana, I’m proud to announce that I will begin my internship with Patriots Ghana next week. For the fall semester, I will be working on the Patriots Ghana Micro-Finance Project. This projects empowers women by equipping them with financial knowledge to start and expand their small businesses. The project also facilitates a stronger sense of community among women. Having the opportunity to intern with Patriots Ghana last year, I know that I will be surrounded by dedicated and passionate Project Coordinators. I’m looking forward to having a great experience again!!!”
From September to December 2018, she would be playing the role of Project Development Intern. In the next couple of months she would be working directly with Patriots Ghana and our Partner organization, Gadrage Aid Foundation International (GAFI). One of her main tasks would be to work with project team to develop a document that facilitate learning of basic twi language for international volunteers to ensure effective communication in the project. Other tasks she would be engaged in are:
- Assist the organisation with basic administrative work including writing project financial reports, research data analysis, report writing, designing newsletters, social media and online research where necessary
- Facilitate the development of fundraising strategies and participate in fundraising activities with the team to support more women on the project.
- Assist project managers to conduct demand-driven workshops on bookkeeping, budgeting, business plans, digital financial services, savings etc. (As at when necessary)
- Work with local team to evaluate ongoing project and make recommendation for project improvement. (As at when necessary)
We look forward to working together towards providing interventions that lead to social and financial freedom for women.